from 6/12/2004
I mentioned in my last post that there was a kernel of an idea that I wanted to explore regarding the upcoming election. Each of the parties has plans and programs to offer that appeal to me and each has plans and programs that don't appeal to me. Amid all the competing ideas and personalities how am I to come to a decision on how to spend my vote this coming June 28?
There is a perception among many, atleast as far as mainstream media would have one believe, that there is little value in casting a vote. Why bother voting if my decision is going to have little impact on the results? Sure, my guy may get in, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it will bring substantive change.
Contributing to the problem is the main, national parties' predisposition to play populist politics. Who can tell the difference between the Tory and Grit platforms? Even the muckraking and finger pointing follows a familiar theme throughout the opposing camps. It's a case of the devil you know versus the devil you don't know. I think, to some degree they're all devils.
But, regardless of who is and who isn't a devil, a vote has to be cast, even if it's a spoiled vote. One of the bi-products of the multi-party system in Canada is strategic voting. Perhaps this will be the year that electors take back their country by taking back their votes and spending them wisely.
I would like to make an informed choice this time around. Sure, it's just one vote among many, but there is a truth in the saying that every vote counts. At the very least it will allow me the right to complain about Ottawa until my next kick at the can.
Also, in regards to every vote counting, is the small matter of election financing. Each party earns approximately 7 dollars for each vote. If
I have neither the skills nor the will to tackle all the parties and their respective local candidates in one concise piece. I will try instead to look closely at each party's platform, leader and local candidate so that hopefully, before June 28, I will be able to articulate my feelings regarding all the parties. On Election Day I would like my trip to the ballot box to be swift and sure.