title here
I might try titles at a later date. I still haven't figured out the purpose of these ramblings. Although they aren't all ramblings. There is thought put in to some of these thoughts, and unfortunately the thought often gets in the way of clarity. I need to relax a bit. Yesterday's post was way too long and didn't really make the point the way that I wanted to.
Problem with thoughts. I like my first thoughts. Sure, there is always a raw nature to them, but there is an honesty to them that smooths some of that roughness. I look at the election campaign and all the ideas being thrown around by the different players. Some of the ideas are good, some are great and some are down right foolish. But for even the most dastardly of proposals there is often a small kernel of wisdom that can be salvaged. These kernels probably started out as an original thought and the thoughts that followed, the analysing and editting thoughts, steered them in the wrong direction or cluttered them with irrelevent details.
Addressing problem with thoughts. First thought, every thought. Get rid of the editting and the over-analysing and rely on the little kernel of wisdom to form the foundation. This is an over simplification of course, but the general idea is really this simple. Instead of starting a post and saving it as a draft, to be read and re-worked and re-read and, well you get the point, I need to begin to publish more frequently. The process can only improve with practice. Hopefully, in the end, clarity will also be improved.
We'll see.