started 'the patch'
Today is my first day on the patch. I have tried in the past to quit smoking with only limited success. There have been periods over the past 20 years that I have managed to stop for a few months, but obviously none of these previous attempts have been permanent. I think it might actually work this time.
Already I am feeling the dread signs of psychological withdrawl as my anxiety level rises at the thought of not having another smoke. Funny that this little white stick effects me in such a way, but that's smoking for you.
I am a little tired of feeling the outcast for being a smoker. On the street I am always conscious of my smokingness and the degree of shame, or more accurately embarassment, that goes with it. My understanding is that I would feel far more comfortable as a smoker if I was living overseas, the europeans take smoking as a birth right, but I don't live overseas and don't plan on moving there just so that I'll fit in. Besides, I am really quite sick of the feeling that smoking leaves me with.
good luck.