Some quick notes.
Two points regarding the following excerpt from
Bush's interview on al arabiya:
QUESTION: Mr. President, critics are saying that by your action in Iraq actually invited al Qaeda and other terrorists to do business with you over there. Could you address that?
BUSH: Sure. Do you remember September the 11th, 2001? Al Qaeda attacked the United States. They killed thousands of our citizens. I will never forget what they have done to us. They declared war on us. And the United States will pursue them. And so long as I'm the president, we will be determined, steadfast, and strong as we pursue those people who kill innocent lives because they hate freedom.
And, of course, al Qaeda looks for any excuse. But the truth of the matter is, they hate us, and they hate freedom, and they hate people who embrace freedom. And they're willing to kill innocent Iraqis because Iraqis are willing to be free.
Iraqis are sick of foreign people coming in their country and trying to destabilize their country. And we will help them rid Iraq of these killers.
1. September 11. That's been the fall back line since September 12 (or maybe it was 13 when he came out of hiding) When there isn't a suitable answer, when the truth won't do because it's uncomfortable, unpallatable or downright politically untenable, fall back on 9/11. And people wonder why 9/11 and Iraq are intrinsically linked to each other in the minds of Americans. By all appearances, the coalition invasion and occupation of Iraq has exacerbated global terrorism.
Iraqis are sick of foreign people coming in their country and trying to destabilize their country. I don't think Bush knows what irony is.