little bits of me
  okay. starting over.


new blog, so go here

I prefer the name. remember to change your bookmark.
  google this...

google this: sorry everybody

  operation phantom fury

Things look to be taking a turn for the worse in Iraq.

Fallujah, a city the size of Victoria or Halifax, is in the beginning days and nights of feeling the wrath of 10,000 U.S. marines just looking for a good ass whooping.

As usual, a fiercesome name has been given for the operation: Phantom Fury. Hmmm, isn't that the name of a vacuum cleaner?

The U.S. military is getting ready to clean house in Iraq. Never mind the civilians that will inevitably get sucked up the hose in the process. Iraqis are used to getting hosed. First they were hosed by the British. Then they were hosed by Saddam Hussein. More recently the hosing is a joint venture between the Americans and, once again, the British.

It's a good thing Canada is a friend of the U.S.. The U.S. wouldn't turn on a friend would they?

  things to come

A quick post to note things to come.

Events in the Middle East, Sudan and the Ivory Coast seem to be spiralling out of control. Here at home, it seems that the minority government of Paul Martin is incapable of uniting in voice and action to address any of these issues. I spend a fair amount of time wrestling with these issues in my head and little time putting my thoughts to light.

This needs to change.

At the very least I need to express my feelings about what is happening in the world and more importantly, to put forward what I think are approaches that can be taken by my government as well as by the people I share my community with.

I have made announcements in the past about plans for future writings without actually following through on those stated plans. This time will be different. There is too much that is wrong in the world. Too much violence and too much killing, too many words followed by too few actions. There has to be a dialog and I intend, in this little bit of the blogosphere, to begin that dialog.

Please stay tuned.
  the patch-5 months

Today marks five months since I started on the Patch.

No, I have not had a patch stuck to my back for the past five months.
Yes, it is five months since I gave up smoking.
No, I have not gone the whole five months without a smoke.
Yes, I have gone the whole five months without buying smokes.
No, I'm not a bum.
Yes, I have saved money.
No, I haven't done anything in particular with the saved money.
Yes, this list is growing tedious.

money saved so far: $675

Holy shit.

Mental health: borderline crazy some days. other days pretty happy no to be smoking.

This is from todays Washington Post on-line. Dan Froomkin's White House Briefing is always enlightening and often entertaining.

Newspaper Endorsements

Greg Mitchell of Editor & Publisher is keeping meticulous count of newspaper editorial-board presidential endorsements. He reports, as of yesterday, that "Kerry now leads in endorsements 142 to 123 and in the circulation of those papers (roughly 17.5 million to 11.5 million)."

A total of 37 newspapers that endorsed Bush in 2000 have switched to Kerry, compared to six papers that endorsed Gore and switched to Bush.

And Howard Kurtz writes in The Washington Post today: "Nine more papers, including the Cleveland Plain Dealer yesterday, abandoned Bush after four years but did not support the Massachusetts senator. Instead, these papers -- the Detroit News, the Tampa Tribune and the New Orleans Times-Picayune among them -- threw up their collective hands and made no endorsement."

Kurtz writes that "the Bush defections may reflect a degree of disillusionment with the president, at least among opinion leaders, principally on Iraq but on domestic issues, as well."

The switching -- and, as Kurtz writes, disillusionment -- in those papers is something you don't hear much of in the modern media world, saturated with bickering partisans who display no ambivalence or hesitation about their positions.

all the time
mind travels far
with my same self
tumbling the world
all that I perceive
into smooth
manageable pieces
press them on to paper
and sell em in a book
little bits of me

Quinquagesima, n. the Sunday before the beginning of Lent.

most days
Common Dreams
The Guardian
Globe and Mail
Halifax Herald
Islam Online
Juan Cole
New York Times
my photos
Toronto Star
Washington Post

not most days
the slow life
Northern Polemics
James Balog
Andrew Coyne
Inkless Wells - Canada News
The Tyee
Eric Margolis
Georgia Straight
The Dominion
The Sunday Independent

periodically useful
Canadian Government
CIA - The World Fact Book
Halifax webcam
Merriam-Webster Online
Parks Canada
Vancouver weather

Get Fuzzy
Sherman's Lagoon

book queue
The Death of Vishnu - Manil Suri
Beloved - Toni Morrison
The Hudson Book of Poetry - anthology
In Search of Schrodinger's Cat - John Gribbin
the curious incident of the dog in the night-time - Mark Haddon

commissions and inquiry
Arar Commission
Gomery Inquiry

04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004

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